Simple smile plays upon her lips
But there's no twinkle in her eyes
If u really look at her for a moment
Look beyound her simple smile
Take a little while to luk in her eyes
Just a moment to look into her soul
You'd see how she suffer herself
See her fightin with her fears
Strugglin so hard to overcome her insecurities
As she smiles at people all around her
she wishes if only sumone wud see
See through her broken smile
Give her a ray of hope....
And just a bit of happiness
Let her smile be real for once
Silently a tear rolls down her eyes
A silent tear with a wish
A wish to have sumone beside her
Sumone who wud hear her silent plea
Sumone who'd for once understand her silent tear...
TADA!......a poem to my sis.... hope u like this.... :D
oooh tell me whose poem is silent tear poem or ur silent tear poem??...
ofcox mine enu !;)
unforgoten memories .. ur poem is much better than dhonthi's one .. dont worry
:P:P:P vaijahanee dho:P
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