Monday, February 19, 2007


Every morning when I open my eyes
To a new dawn, to the awaiting day
After a night of restless slumber
My heart and mind is filled with questions

What would be waiting for me today?
After all life is full of incidents
Which are at times pleasant or not

What would I learn new today?
As life is full of experiences
That makes us wise day by day

What would I gain today?
For life is like a lost treasure
Which we uncover bit by bit

What would I loose today?
For sometimes life is like a fathomless sea
In which we loose some of our best possessions

But of all the question there is one I really don't know
Have no answer or a mere clue to…..
Will I ever find that place where I belong?

thot i'll post this poem i wrote a few years bak... actually the verse (wht wud I loose today.....) was runnin in my head.... lastnite i felt like i've lost one of my best possessions...i think i've lost one of my treasured friends....


Shafraz said...

kewl one..coool

-Gloomcookie said...

hey...i luv ur poems...bayeh faharu j ves poems arent nicer than urs..:(;) ehehhee

ps. wonder which frnd u lost...*-)

~ange|~ said...

:P~~~ for u sis dear
love u!