Thursday, February 21, 2008

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was trouble
You know that I'm no good..............

chek out this song of amy winehouse

click here


PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

why do i see ME in your posts! :/ :S :S.. nice one though!! tc

Shaari said...

I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya, I was trouble
You know that amy winehouse is so good...

she's one of the most exciting artists to come out lately. i just love her songs, particular this one, tears dry on their own, rehab, back to black, love is a losing game, he can only hold her etc

~ange|~ said...

sunrise i kinda felt the same when i read ur posts...
shaari yeh she is grt